Technology is always on the move. One year to the next, there will be an improved versions of something, which means you have to upgrade your existing items or buy new ones to replace them. Sometimes a new piece of technology can come and make the old type completely irreverent, so we move onto that and forget the rest. VHS cassettes were great items we all collected and watched them, but then DVDs arrived and we started purchasing those instead. Now Blu-ray and digital versions replace these and this sort of thing is happening in many areas.

One of the main things we’ve started to leave behind is traditional TV. The television was once the centre of the household and people watched shows in droves. From just a few channels to hundreds, we would consume large amounts of TV each week. Its seemed like this would last forever, especially as satellite and cable added more and more options but it eventually couldn’t compete. Streaming services such as Amazon Video, Netflix and Hulu have become insanely popular and most people will subscribe to at least one. The flexibility and the ease to find new shows and old favourites make streaming services desirable. The fact you can watch as much or as little as you want and at any time means you are in complete control, rather than relying on what’s on, and watching a repeat for the sake of watching something.

Music has also gone through a similar trend, in which we’ve gone through multiple physical platforms such as vinyl and CD and now we download things digitally, though CDS can still be ripped to obtained digital version, so they managed to stay slightly relevant. Video games are also losing traction with physical media, as online stores that you can directly purchase and download them is growing in popularity, especially the likes of PC game store Steam.

The rise of smartphone tech has applied to many things, including TV, movies and music, as we can stream, download and transfer all of our favourite media onto our phone and have it in one place. This has been a trend with games, as we’ve seen mobile games make more money than their console and PC counterparts.  This has been a major trend in online casino, going from browsers to smartphones, you can win real money on a variety of online casinos such as you might find in a comparison site like Lucky Mobile Casinos, proof of how hot online casinos have become.

Books are some of the oldest forms of entertainment and learning and have been around for thousands of years. It’s only been in the past ten or twenty years have we seen start to them disappear. Audio books have become more and more vogue and with digital books we’ve seen an even further step. Whether you own a dedicated eReader, an app on your phone or you read online, you have access to millions of books at a few touches of a button and they are easier and more convenient to read than ever.

Everything we know is becoming digital and at the rate our entertainment changes, who knows how music, film, TV, books and games will be experienced in ten years time.



Via #InspireLSEntertainment

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