#InspireLSRelationships | 7 Creative Ways To Cut Down Wedding Costs (and Still Have an Awesome Day)

It was recently revealed that the average cost of a wedding in the US was a whopping $35,000. Ouch. Now, if you’ve just got engaged you might be looking at that figure and thinking how can one day cost that much? But you’ll soon why once you get down to the actual planning part of the wedding! There is good news, however, and that is that a wedding absolutely doesn’t have to cost $35,000, or indeed anywhere close to that figure. Below, we take a look at seven creative cost-cutting exercises that’ll slash the cost of your big day, all without compromising on the awesomeness of the day.

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#InspireLSCareers | Many Faces Of The Law

Most people are inspired to become lawyers when they see shows like “Law & Order” and they want to bring criminals to justice. Then they grow up and learn that this is only one of many aspects of the law; family law, property law, corporate law, business law, media law, the list goes on and on. The good news is that there are many types of law careers to suit individual strengths and interests, and you’ll always be helping someone get what they want. The more challenging news is, you have to narrow down those interests as soon as possible so you can start specialising right away.

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#InspireLSCareers | Don’t Like Your Job? Here’s How To Make It More Fulfilling

It can be something that consumes our entire outlook on life if we let it, and it’s not particularly difficult to let it color our outlook on everything with a negative hue. Working in a career you don’t like is something that, surprisingly, a lot of people just put up with now. The age-old adage of hard work paying off appears to be for less purpose now than it ever used to be. And while competition for jobs is more rife now, especially the more desired roles, a lot of us feel inclined to stay in a safe job, with the regular paycheck that we get every month and live a life of complete mundanity. But is that all there is? Or can you make the most out of where you are? Of course you can! And here is how.

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#InspireLSRelationships | These Ties That Bind

Marriage is a wonderful institution, isn’t it? You find someone, you fall in love so far in love that you want to spend every single day together and you commit your lives to each other. It’s wonderful. Everything about weddings and love is swoon-worthy. Everyone wants it and those who have it often don’t know how lucky they are. Continue Reading

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| The Hidden Causes Of Bad Skin


Bad skin can be a real problem for some people. You can try to cover it up with all sorts of different products but if you don’t get to the root cause of the issue, you’ll always struggle with it. When you’re a teenager, you’re likely to have skin problems because of all of the hormones, but if you’re still experiencing it when you reach adulthood, there might be another problem. These are the most common causes of bad skin in adults.

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#InspireLSHealth | Making Time For Your Health

Healthy habits are not something you should squeeze into your busy lifestyle – if you don’t have your health, you have nothing. Yet, unfortunately, most of us do put our health aside in favour of completing deadlines, indulging in unhealthy habits, and making the most of today. But if our health is not a priority, then everything else will suffer. It’s about time we started giving our health the attention it deserves, even in the face of busy work schedules. Here are a few ways you can start making time for your health, even if you only have thirty minutes to spare.

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| Best Tips for Looking After the Skin Around Your Eyes

We’ve all been there, an excruciating week of work, barely any sleep, becoming more and more like Steve Buscemi with each look in the mirror. This problem revolves around us forgetting about or just not caring enough for the very thing layer of skin around our eyes. Thankfully, most of the issues are temporary in nature and can be dealt with. To prevent these problems from ever arising, there is a certain routine that must be upheld. And don’t worry, as long as you know what you’re doing, it’s as easy as can be!

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#GadgetTalk | Is The Internet Really Making Our Lives Easier?

With every year that progresses, it seems as though most of us get a little more addicted to our smartphones. And whilst new mobile models like the Samsung Galaxy S8 has incredible features like facial recognition and the cool Live Message function, there are some who maintain that we are becoming a little too reliant upon the internet.

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