#SWInspires | Speak It Into Existence

Over the years I have witnessed cliché cycles within my field of work, which become popular and are regurgitated across the public speaking circuits, pulpits, conferences and eventually make their way around peoples social media streams and timelines. They die out, new ones take their place, and eventually they become popular again in season. One such saying is “Speak it into existence”. Books like ‘The Secret’ and many others speak on The Law of Attraction and the notion that you can create your life with the content that you give the world through the power of your words. Some use the term ‘karma’, others ‘what goes around comes around’, others believe in the power of affirmations, and some are just superstitious.

When I considered the power that our words contain, I wasn’t too interested in how our words impact tangible things, like a persons feelings, or a response driven statement, I was rather interested in what actually happens when I speak, even if I am all alone and can only bear witness to my own words. I look at my own faith and my understanding that God spoke and created the world. By speaking He called things into existence. When God created man and woman, He created us in His image and gave us dominion over the earth. He endowed us with a power to “speak”. So does this mean that if I say I want something, and speak it enough it will come to me? Many hold this view. However, I believe that while our words do indeed have power, our desires will not be fruitful if they are not in line with God’s will for our lives.

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#SWInspires | Two Words That Can Change Your Life

I used to be always on the go. Felt like time was running out. Seemed as if I was chasing my own tail, striving to become something that I didn’t know I already was. While I am partly to blame, society, trends, clichés and poor information had me believe that “hard work” is the secret to success. I’d make excuses to further solidify my unhealthy attachments to being busy, and burned out in the process. Until, that day came and I burned out. It was at this point where I heard God telling me “There is a better way”. I had no energy to fight any longer, opened my Bible and got the confirmation I needed, slap, bang in my face.

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#SWInspires | Navigating Your Way Through ‘The Sunken Place’

Mental Health Illness has no face: This is something I say often, and when I further examine such a statement, I see two meanings. The first; is that anyone can be affected regardless of who they are or what they look like. The second and not so obvious; is from the perspective of mental health itself. It’s hard to describe or put into a box, it disguises in many different cloaks, hides away for seasons and is somewhat a shape shifter in that it can manifest itself in different ways within different people. For the benefit of this piece, I’d like to discuss the topic of Depression. You’ll notice in the title of this article my use of the term ‘The Sunken Place’. After watching the movie ‘Get Out’, I found some words to closer describe the feeling of depression that lingers within my own life, and indeed it is like sinking into a hole within myself.

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#SWInspires | Your Legacy Happens In Moments

At the age of 25, I released my Autobiography “Unashamed”. This was and still is my greatest career achievement to date, as it represents something so powerful, significant and meaningful to me. Though I have written 12 Books and each holds a very special place in my heart, this one was very different. One evening in 2008, I sat in my office reflecting on my life and all of the things I had been through, that only I knew. I had a very dark and blunt realisation instantly, ‘If I die, everything dies with me’. While this on the surface sounds very glum and far from motivational, you’d be surprised how this thought manifested into a very methodical determination and work ethic from that point on. I was driven by my life work outliving me, so much so, that I’d carefully write in a timeless context. I became less concerned about by how people viewed me now, and quite frankly, obsessed with how they’d view me when I am no longer here. Now, I’ll state here that I believe that legacy is important, and a powerful motivational factor and it can help you to be very deliberate about the moves you make, but it does also have it’s limitations if not managed correctly.

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#SWInspires | The Trees Are About To Show Us How Beautiful It Is To Let Dead Things Go

Whether it is unconstructive habits, relationships, friendships or destructive commitments, there comes a time in life where in order for us to grow and step into our new self, we must let go. Letting go isn’t always easy as our branches get accustomed to holding onto seasonal plants and fruits, however, as the seasons change, the holding onto of out of season harvest can prevent and delay our new season and potential for new growth. Many times in life we come to points where we feel heavy, weighed down and overwhelmed by the plethora of commitments that we periodically carry. In these moments it is essential that we check ourselves and do somewhat of a life audit, filing the accounts of our wellbeing. The essentiality of this task is an understatement when we consider how quickly we habitually conform to unhealthy patterns of life.

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#SWInspires | Why Having A Healthy Work-Life Balance is Essential to Well Being

Many people struggle with living and working. In this very constant quest to move up the ladder, fit into society and secure financial security, we often neglect the very life we currently have.

I once suffered from this conflictual nature. I was working so many hours with the impression that this was productive, without realising that I was sacrificing my very present life for an un-promised future desired life. I burnt out, became detached from who I am, and lost all sense of purpose outside of working.

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#SWInspires | Are You Living or Are You Just Alive?

At different junctions of our lives we have questions about where we are, what we have achieved and where we are going. In these moments emotions such as doubt, disappointment and inferiority set in and can have us feeling morally defeated. The innate sense of helplessness saturates our domain and all that once seemed hopeful now resembles the inner shell of a dormant volcano. We want to explode but instead we afflict ourselves further, by further emphasising how much of a failure we are, and we then limit our existence down to a few life experiences. Usually negative ones.

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#SWInspires | Are You Authentic?

What if other people could see beyond your physical appearance and look at your insecurities, pride, shame, or malicious thoughts?

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