Privacy Policy

In-SpireLsmagazine and in-spire Lifestyles is committed to, and fully respects the privacy of its viewers, customers and all of our article features. We collect only the necessary information that will enable us to fulfil our service provision, i.e, our customer  orders and to provide an insight into our featured artists, performers, entreprenuers and all others with their absolute full individual consent.

Why we need to have your data
To fulfil our obligations and process your orders it will be necessary for us to have: Your name and address, telephone number, email address and age for subscription to newsletters. In respect to subscription to newsletter every individual will also have the right to un-subscribe at any time by emailing us, or in writing by post at our contact address . We will also need to ask for a delivery address and credit card/debit card details on points of completion to any orders being placed. We will not disclose your information to any third party unless it is necessary to our being able to complete your order : i.e,  delivery and credit checks. We will not sell on or pass on any of the above information disclosed by you without your express permission to do so.

In what other situations do we use your information
By requesting to purchase our goods and services and for your own personal security we may use personal information disclosed by you for the prevention of fraud. This is done only to confirm your identity and in accordance to the Data Protection Act 1998*.  A credit check is not performed.

We will only disclose your personal data if required to do so by law.
Our site, and our services, our written materials and our products are not intended for use by users under the age of eighteen. In event  of such cases  arising In-spireLSmagazine  and its parent company In-spire Lifestyles retain the right to refuse purchase of any product, services and subscription request.

Accessing your information
It is your right if you wish to verify and update any of the information  which In-spireLsmagazine holds about you. If you wish to do so please email us at:  . We are required by law to charge a fee of £10 to meet our costs in fulfilling your request.

Changes to Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to change and amend our privacy policy at any time. All changes will therefore be updated and posted on this website.


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