#BeINspired | #EditorsWord: It’s Okay To Be Scared S**tless!

Now I always aim to be pretty ‘PC’ (“politically correct” for those who don’t know! ) when it comes to my sharing inspirational insights. However, today is one of those days where I don’t want to sugar coat my content.

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#BeINspired | #EditorsWords | Get Rid Of That Negative Inner Voice

I can’t believe I have waited so long to begin writing on my column again. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder and I like to think that with my break in writing; I have grown and matured and have vast more subjects to speak on. What I have learned during this period is that I am passionate about the growth and development of others. I actually thrive on it and my work within the mental health field has only heightened my immense need to take In-spire and the avenue of personal development and coaching to the next level.

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#BeInspired | Don’t Kill Your Own Dreams

I write from experience because by doing that I can really offer real insight into how to overcome and push through when times become tough and self doubt and negativity clouds your vision. Life is challenging. It honestly doesn’t matter who you’re or where you come from. At some time in your life you’re going to come up against major challenges and they will stand as the ultimate test as to whether you will become the victim or the victor.

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The Have and The Havenots – Why You Need to Stay in Your Lane

When I mention ‘The Have and Have Not’s I’m not making reference to the hit show. I’m speaking more on the toxic world that social media can become when you focus on the ‘Explore’ option on Instagram and compare your life to others. It is such a damaging thing and can really knock your confidence.

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The Power Of Persistence

Let’s get straight to the point because on matters such as your goals and working towards achieving your dreams; time is in fact of the essence and you really have none of that time to waste. Those who are truly passionate about what they want to achieve will think about it upon waking as well as last thing before they go to sleep. Those who are totally committed to the attainment of their goals will set out to give them  as much of their time and resources as possible to ensure that they grow closer to making their goal/s a reality.

However, what happens when you work hard and pray harder and work day in and day out on trying to make your dreams your reality yet get no- where. What happens when you give everything you could possibly give yet with each passing day you feel as if you are not making any headway?

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#BeingAfricanCaribbean| What Does It Mean To Me?

Being African Caribbean means more to me than I truly realise. Growing up, I was raised to recognise not only the beauty and richness of my ethnicity but to celebrate where I had come from. Unfortunately, there were a number of incidents in my childhood where my fellow brothers and sisters would make jokes at the fact that being African-Caribbean meant that I was a descendant of slaves. They would try to make me feel inferior and to make me feel downhearted or perhaps to feel lesser than.

However, I have been raised with an intrinsic sense of self. I possess a thorough understanding of who I am and where I originate from and I appreciate the sacrifices my ancestors  had to make to ensure that I; and many others before me have the opportunity to become the people we are today; with an abundance of opportunities at our grasp.

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The Power In Taking Time to Reconnect With The Self

For those of you who may follow me on the social media sites Facebook, Instagram or Twitter; you may be aware that I am currently undertaking a juice detox. 2014 was a extremely stressful and busy year for me and due to my schedule; I turned to unhealthy food options and sugary beverages to help me get through the day. Usually, I would be able to cover a multitude of sins with make-up and good concealer. However, towards the end of the year; spots were breaking out over my upper arms, upper back, neck and all over my face. It was a very depressing time; yet was the big kick I needed to make a positive change and to put into motion all of the healthy living practises I knew so much about.

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#BeInspired| Pain is temporary, Quitting is Forever

The journey to attaining success is not an easy one. I feel more than ever that this is one thing that I am learning more and more as I get older and I hope, more wise. I was brought up, instilled with the teachings that I needed to have goals. If I worked hard, stayed on the right side of the law and always remained a good and positive citizen, blessings and good tidings would always come my way.

However, as the years progressed, I realised that you can be as good as you want to be; it doesn’t mean that challenges will not rear their ugly head. I am finding as I grow that things do not always pan out the way you plan. In life, although you should always have a list of definitive goals that you want to achieve. You must be prepared for the rough and sometimes turbulent journey along the way. You may have to, make changes, alterations, create new openings, and find new ways in when all the doors appear locked.

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