#BeINspired | How To Increase Your Inspiration and Motivation Up To The Skies

You don’t need me to tell you that life is full of distractions. Whether you’re at home, at work or even socialising with family and friends, we’re constantly bombarded with advertisements, messages and forms of communications. That’s not even including the presence of smartphones, computers and social media.

Many of us complain about the issues we face when it comes to productivity, and hard it is to stay inspired and motivated, even if we’re doing the things we love. For many of us, the sofa is far too enticing. However, in most cases, it’s not about working harder, it’s about working smarter.

Today, I’m going to talking about everything you need to know about boosting your inspiration, enhancing your motivation and taking your productivity to the edges of space.

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#BeINspired | Forget New Years Resolutions, Start Something New Today

Being that it is the second month of the New Year, many of us will be in despair as we realised we have failed at sticking to our new year’s resolutions. (We have all been there so don’t you worry about it). In the run up to 2018, it is customary for people to start putting together plans and ideas for the coming year and with that will come the usual New Year promises and resolutions. I, myself, have a routine where during the last week of the year, I would sit down and put together my plans for the coming year. Continue Reading

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#BeINspired | Developing You

Being that we’re still at the early stages of 2018, the talk and thought of change is still very much around. “From now, it will be different I will change” is a something said by many with hope, but also said with worry and fear over the possibility of not being able to live out their goals. Therefore the process of transforming aspects of themselves becomes less joyful and more pressurised. The image of change feels so light and easy to attain “you do this and then you do this”. The reality is more difficult. Change is thought to hold all the answers, which in turn makes the prospect of change to feel `heavy, a change which may not need to take place, a change is only an illusion.

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#BeINspired | Be Yourself To Survive

In this world of Competition,

In this world of selfishness,

In this world of Struggle,

In this world of Cruelness,

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#BeINspired | There Is A Light At The End of The Tunnel

“No matter what you’re going through, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you’ll find the positive side of things” – Demi Lovato

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#BeINspired | Believe In You

When was the last time you believed in yourself? You know that thing you wanted to do, how is that coming along? Or is it still somewhere in the distance? Can you even see it?

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#SWInspires | Navigating Your Way Through ‘The Sunken Place’

Mental Health Illness has no face: This is something I say often, and when I further examine such a statement, I see two meanings. The first; is that anyone can be affected regardless of who they are or what they look like. The second and not so obvious; is from the perspective of mental health itself. It’s hard to describe or put into a box, it disguises in many different cloaks, hides away for seasons and is somewhat a shape shifter in that it can manifest itself in different ways within different people. For the benefit of this piece, I’d like to discuss the topic of Depression. You’ll notice in the title of this article my use of the term ‘The Sunken Place’. After watching the movie ‘Get Out’, I found some words to closer describe the feeling of depression that lingers within my own life, and indeed it is like sinking into a hole within myself.

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#BeInspired | Open Up: Are We Listening? #MentalHealth

Every year, we celebrate world Mental Health Day. It’s a day when around the world, it is marked with different events, appeals and information regarding mental health. This year marked its 25th anniversary.

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