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Editor’s Word| Mental Health Is Real: Mark Eisenhart (A Tribute)

Yesterday, I learned that one of my Supermen features Mark Eisenhart; accomplished and honorable fireman, mentor, life coach, trainer, athlete and author had taken his own life. Even as a I write these words I struggle to make sense of it. I had conversed with him just a week before. He was eager to learn when In-spire LS would be producing digital covers again. He knew that he was a worthy candidate for this and I never at any point disagreed with him.

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You Are What You Think, So Think Big

This month is special! Can’t you feel it? The greatest games of our time is in our city and London is absolutely buzzing. I feel alive, even when the days are tough and things play on my mind, I feel alive and happy to be alive for I know in myself that the best is yet to come.

How I feel about my day and my life is solely down to how I think, when I think negative thoughts, like a magnet, negativity gravitates towards me. When I think positive thoughts, I draw positive results to me. Sounds easy right, but not often easy to recognise or to implement successfully.

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Banish Negativity, Embrace The Beauty of You

Happy July to each and everyone of you, as I write this the sun is shining and with this new day, comes new opportunity to take charge and find new direction in your life. Here we have another issue, jam packed with inspirational interviews, articles and lifestyle tips for all of you, our fabulous readers. We are soon approaching two years and we have been thinking about ways to celebrate this landmark. In the month of September we will be arranging massive giveaways for you all to access as our way of saying thank you. What started as my blog, my means of escape and space to be creative now have well over a million reader visiting each month. From my team and I a big THANK YOU  for the massive support and love that you have show In-spireLS, and we hope you will continue to support us as we embark on the next exciting phase of our journey.

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Push Away The Distractions

We are already in June! Welcome to each and everyone of you who have stopped by on the new issue of In-spireLS Magazine. I don’t know about you but I am very excited about the next few months. My schedule is jam packed and my focus is on point so I am very much welcoming all the opportunities that will be coming my way.

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Set YOUR Goal then EXCEED it!

First and foremost I want to thank all of In-spireLS readers for coming back month in, month out and my dedicated and motivated team for all of their hard work. I have received all of the feedbacks, your suggestions, your requests and your opinions through the shape of the recent In-spireLS survey that was sent out and please know that we have noted all of your responses and are working on developing the magazine further.

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The Evolution

I’m always excited by each new issue of In-spireLS. Maybe it’s because many did not see me sticking with it and making it into the success that it is today. You could say, I thrive off of negativity projected my way, it acts as a sail to my ship and I work harder, and strive harder all with a more determined focus, it just comes naturally to me. This issue is really one of a kind, the features are the main reasons behind this statement. The April edition has a diverse mix of talents from diverse industries and is one of the most engaging and informative issues of In-spireLS to date.

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Let Your Actions Do The Talking

Welcome to the latest issue of In-spireLS. Once again we have a jam- packed issue fill to the brim with articles, interviews and reviews written to enhance your minds.  The progression is imminent and with each issue more changes will take place. The ultimate update is coming quicker than you realise so make sure you continue to stop by on the site.  I am particularly excited about the fashion and beauty section of the magazine as we share some of the ‘must know’ information that all our In-spireLS readers need to gain access to.

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Be Ready To Start Again

Welcome to the first issue of the new year.  How exciting it is to be typing this, knowing that so much has been achieved thus far.  The first few weeks into the new year have had both up’s and down’s. But, with these change of events, the vision, the purpose and the dream is still fully intact.

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