gardens inspirelshomes

Plan for the Outdoor Summer Season to Avoid Disappointment

Summer is quickly approaching and more times than not, the lack of planning can create a disappointing time when it is time to throw a party. Here are the top 5 tips to get your garden ready for summer 2016.

Insect Control


Humans are not the only living things that love the great summer season. Unfortunately, bugs do not know that your space is not their space. Wasps are notorious for spotting outdoor garden parties and while traps and fans can ward off flying insects in your personal space, once human movement begins, so do they. Insect repellents are fine for hiking in the woods, but not for outdoor dinner parties. Instead, have the perimeter of your yard fogged or sprayed when that first hint of insects aew present. They will know to stay away.

Lush Green Yard

Lush lawn inspirels home

A beautiful yard does not happen overnight. Starting in the spring, take an evaluation of this area for bare spots, critter holes, weeds and newly formed dips. Only time can mend patchy spots, along with the right grass seed and fertilizer. Rolling the lawn may also be needed to smooth out lumps and valleys. A landscaping service can offer tips on care and garden lighting specialists can recommend awesome lighting to highlight your yard. Of all of the 5 tips to get your garden ready for summer 2016, a lush green yard requires the most planning and work.

Plant Colourful Flowers

colourful pictures

Start plants indoors in early spring in containers and have them ready to transplant around the patio. Nothing brightens a scene like natural colour and form that is found in an array of flower blooms. Select the species carefully and keep them hearty by following planting instructions. Some plants thrive on sunlight while others prefer the shade. Time and care will create a beautiful backdrop of colour and texture. For a different look, place well-cared-for plants in brass or ceramic pots and use designer outdoor lighting to focus on their aesthetic appearance.

Hardscape and Maintenance

garden maintenance

The winter months can leave a wooden deck looking tired and dingy. Brighten up this outdoor living space with a new coat of sealant and consider adding some hardscape. Stone creates the perfect blend with wood and grass, making everything stand out with clarity. Something as simple as stepping stones to a garden can outline a beautiful yard while stone benches can add an inviting look.

Garden Lighting Ideas

Garden lighting

There is nothing more important than adding the proper lighting to an outdoor living area. Of the top 5 tips to get your garden ready for summer, this one must not be forgotten. If it is difficult for you to see the aura of beauty from outdoor garden lighting, speak with garden lighting designers, like Garden Lighting by Design LTD, for a professional layout. The time and money spent is well worth the new look and feel of an outdoor area that will require little maintenance for many years to come. The dramatic difference can be enjoyed during all seasons, not just summer.

It is easy to put off planning for the upcoming summer season until it is upon you. However, by taking action now the warm weather and natural beauty will become even more exciting than when it finally arrives. Take a stroll around the yard, jot down notes on what is needed, and get to work for creating the ultimate back yard living space.




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