Mediterranean homes have a cool elegance that speaks of blue skies and warm waters. They evoke the memory of holidays when day-to-day cares could be forgotten and all that mattered was the warmth of the sun and the scent of fresh flowers in the air. Is it possible to bring those pleasures back home? There’s a lot that can be done with clever design, and this article sets out how to go about it.

From the ground up

Creating a Mediterranean look begins with laying down the flooring. Carpets are rare in countries where the weather is hot; when they are used, they don’t tend to be fitted. Polished wooden floors are popular but the style that really conjures up this look mot effectively is the tiled floor. Cool grey flagstones look good on the garden path on the patio and in the kitchen. Terracotta tiles have a lot of character and are ideal for terraces, kitchen, bathrooms and hallways. Marble is the luxury option. Then there are mosaics, which, if done wall, add a touch of class and look delightful anywhere in the home.

Wonderful windows

Mediterranean architecture features a lot of arches and reshaping windows to capture this can dramatically change the appearance of a house, with even small windows benefiting. Fitting plantation window shutters also helps to transform the impression they make, and by dispensing with curtains, it’s possible to let a lot more light into the home, evoking that warm Mediterranean sunlight. Though elaborate frames can work well, windows should not have much clutter around them, but low benches underneath are ideal for sitting and admiring the view.


Cool colours

Traditional Mediterranean homes make occasional use of strong colour elements – red tiles on roofs, for instance – but keep most colours muted in order to emphasise the light. White stucco walls are the classic way to evoke this look, with azure blue for highlights like doors and pillars. Bare wooden beams and occasional pieces of handsome wooden furniture, often in burr walnut or oak, add a darker element, but rooms should be laid out to maximise the impact of light.

Lights and lanterns

Mediterranean homes make a lot of use of low-hanging lights, especially over tables. Wooden or wrought iron chandeliers are popular, with multiple shaded bulbs. Also popular are lanterns in the tradition of the African countries bordering on that beautiful region. Those without too much metalwork around the base can be bright enough to illuminate a whole room, but a more common approach is to have wall mounted lanterns to supplement the main light. These may also be used on external walls.

Wrought iron

Wrought iron is commonplace in homes like this, often elaborately sculpted. It can be introduced to the home in the form of banisters, window frames, balcony railing, dining chairs or the frames of glass-topped coffee tables. Iron beds can make a magnificent impression and this material can be used in accessories like candelabras. Importantly, it won’t detract from the impact of light in the home, and it can even make those stucco walls look lighter by contrast.



Wickerwork and woven sea grass are an important element in Mediterranean design and a simple way to bring this style into the home. Chairs with woven backs, for instance, can give an ordinary wooden dining table a Mediterranean character. Sea grass boxes are great for storage and can help reduce clutter to facilitate the minimalist look that suits living rooms and hallways in this style (by contrast, kitchens and dining rooms often look quite busy).

Geometric designs

Mediterranean rooms tend to be laid out according to geometric patterns, with even potted plants trimmed into symmetrically. Square and oblong chairs and couches are popular in living rooms, making it easier to arrange them this way, and a geometrically patterned Moroccan rug can be the perfect focal point for a design of this type. A lot of wall art found in countries around the region has similar design characteristics and is a good way to make a statement in a living room or dining room.

Using techniques like this can help to bring those sunny days and balmy Mediterranean nights back into an ordinary home. Adding elements like underfloor heating or red roof slates, painted wall tiles or regional varieties of kitchenware complete the effect. It may take a lot of work, but it will be worth it to relax afterwards in a place that brings all those holiday memories to life.






Via #InspireLSHome

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