Thinking of switching jobs sometime soon? If you are up for a bit of a challenge, you might want to consider these quirky jobs that girls don’t always think of.


Like wine? If so, then you might want to think about training to become a sommelier. A sommelier is, basically, someone who is an expert in wine. Restaurants hire a sommelier to help them hire the best possible wines that can be paired with the dishes on the menu. The sommelier is also responsible for chatting to all the customers to advise them about their wine choice. You will need to take a course to train to be a sommelier, and once you are all trained, you should find it easy to get a job in the industry.

Fitness Coach

Even though there are a few female fitness coaches out there, there are still some girls who don’t consider this as a proper career choice. But, if you find a sport that you are good at and specialize in that, then you can actually go quite far in your career. The best way to start off your career as a fitness coach is to study a sports coach at college or university. This will give you a good background knowledge of training in a safe and healthy way. You will then be able to join a gym as a coach and can bring your studies to your job. After a few years experience, you can then go freelance and start out as an independent coach.


Do you ever dream of escaping to a new life in the country? If so, you might want to consider getting a job as a farmer. Just taking a look at this farming job agency to see if there a job in a rural area that you might want to move to. Becoming a farmer is a great profession as it gives you the chance to work with animals and work with the land. Just remember that farming is often very seasonal work, so you might be exceptionally busy through the summer and might not be able to take time off during the high season.


Think professional footballers can only be men? Think again! Women’s football is becoming a lot more popular now than it was just a few years ago, so it is the perfect time to get into it. If you enjoy kicking a ball around in your garden or the local park, you might want to join a local women’s team to give you a chance to hone your skills. If you show that you have what it takes to take this further, you might be invited to join a regional team. From here, you could progress to a national team and, eventually, will become professional out on the pitch.


As you can see, you don’t have to take a traditional girls job just because you are a girl. Hopefully, one of these quirky jobs will take your fancy!



Via #InspireLSCareers 

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