#GadgetTalk | Get To Know The Samsung S9

Each and every year, we are accustomed to seeing major phone companies bring out new phones and of course, everyone will be watching in anticipation to see what is introduced. I, myself am included and so when Samsung announced the release of the Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+, I became very intrigued, so I did my research and here is the latest information about the newest addition to the Samsung family.

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#InspireLSHome | How To Reduce Your Home’s Energy Consumption

There are lots of reasons to pay attention to how much energy you use at home. You might be concerned about your carbon footprint and want to minimise the environmental impact of your domestic setup. You might be sick of paying through the teeth for utilities and want to make savings, especially with gas and electricity price rises looming.

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| Tried And Tested Recommendations To Regain Your Beautiful Skin

Not very many people are happy with their skin. In many instances, there are real reasons to be concerned about — dryness, premature ageing, or acne prone skin. Determining factors often range from improper mundane skin pampering all the way to poor lifestyle choices. More often than not, the damages do not become immediately apparent and are likely spotted when the damage has already manifested as a wrinkle, a dark spot or some other sign of skin aging.

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#InspireLSEntertainment | A Subtle Hen Party With All the Fun!!

Are you looking for something different? Do not wish to have that wild, outrageous and loud hen party? Having a hen party where many of your guests are above forty (no skydiving!) or expecting mothers? Then you must read on! We have prepared a list of hen party activities that will be perfect if you wish to celebrate your hen party in sort of a subtle way!  You can enjoy all these activities in the comfort of your home. Throw in a couple of drinks and get the party begin!

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#OlgaStarEnlightens | Struggling With Meditation? READ THIS!

Meditation by its original definition is nothing more than thinking about something or contemplating about something. Lately however when someone says ‘I meditate’ we assume the person sits in the lotus position (with legs crossed) holding palms of their hands together in a prayerlike gesture and… thinking nothing.

When we want to meditate, we usually mean we want to relax in an efficient manner. In short, meditation can be any type of ‘activity’ where your mind is taken off the daily struggles and your body is somewhat rested. Which, in itself, is a bit of a dangerous slope given that many meditation tapes suggest for you to lie down. And of course, we fall asleep if we are tired enough, we’ve all been there!

So, are there other type of meditations we can all do easily and while achieving the results we seek from meditation: rest, recharge and some feeling of balance, (even if only a short period of time after performing meditation?)

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#InspireLSHome | Fun and Easy Ways to Decorate Your Living Room

Your living room is the room where, as the name says, all the LIFE of your household happens. It is a place where you welcome guests, where you enjoy those lazy Saturdays watching your favorite TV show, where your child says their first words and where you’re just being yourself.

Now, after knowing all that, it can be quite depressing to notice that this room is starting to seem a little ‘lifeless’, right? However, luckily for you, there is a thing called internet, where you can find all the top secret interior design tips you need to bring life back to your living room or any other room for free.

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#Lifestyle | 5 Useful Tips For Learning To Drive

Being able to drive is much more than just being able to get from A to B quickly and being dry when you get there. Having the ability to drive gives you a level of freedom you may not have experienced before. As exciting as that prospect is, many people find the prospect of learning to drive extremely daunting.

If you are going to be starting your driving lessons in the near future, then these 5 tips will get you well set up on the road to becoming a confident driver and are an excellent place to start you journey to independence.

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#BeINspired | How To Increase Your Inspiration and Motivation Up To The Skies

You don’t need me to tell you that life is full of distractions. Whether you’re at home, at work or even socialising with family and friends, we’re constantly bombarded with advertisements, messages and forms of communications. That’s not even including the presence of smartphones, computers and social media.

Many of us complain about the issues we face when it comes to productivity, and hard it is to stay inspired and motivated, even if we’re doing the things we love. For many of us, the sofa is far too enticing. However, in most cases, it’s not about working harder, it’s about working smarter.

Today, I’m going to talking about everything you need to know about boosting your inspiration, enhancing your motivation and taking your productivity to the edges of space.

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