
#InspireLSSport | #NCAA #MarchMadness: March Madness 2017

It’s almost that momentous time of year when NCAA basketball competition sends wild excitement and fervent rallying around the nation seemingly into sheer overdrive; NCAA March Madness commences on March 14 and features the finest NCAA teams and student athletes vying on the edge of glory.

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#InspireLSFitness | Jungle Fit

Move over Zumba, new fitness class Jungle Fit is taking over. If you’re looking to get fit and you’re not a fan of listening to the grunts of bodybuilders and gym goers, why not try a fun dance class that really works your body?

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#InspireLSEntertainment | Matilda @ West Cambridge Theatre

As a child I was a massive fan of Roald Dahl stories and the films that were released during my childhood from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to James and the Giant Peach. However, the one that stood out the most for me was ‘Matilda’ so when the opportunity arose to go and see the multi- award winning musical of Matilda at London’s West End Cambridge Theatre I jumped at the chance.

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#BeInspired | Make Giving Your Way of Living

As we are in the holiday season—giving is such a powerful thing to do to express love to the people around you. Giving isn’t limited to just money—but time, conversation, showing love, etc—as much as people may not admit that they need maybe a shoulder to cry on, or to share in  conversation to clear the things that have been heavy on their heart—it really does go a long way.

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#InspireLSCareers | How Social Media Can Be Used To Build Your Career

Let’s face it – getting into the media industry can be difficult. With thousands of graduates all competing for entry-level jobs, it’s important that you find a way to stand out from the crowd. At Inspire LS Magazine, we’ve put together some of the best ways in which you can use social media to build your career and help you land your dream job.

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#HealthMatters #InspireLSParenting | Autism: A Mother’s Perspective

With Autism affecting more than 1 in 100 people and with over 700,000 people; both adults and children being diagnosed with this condition. We wanted to get an in-depth perspective from a parent who has had to experience and work through the challenge of having a child with Autism. What has come from this however is a positive and inspiring insight that there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel and support out there if you need it….

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#MusicMatters | The Top 10 Tracks Of 2016 According To In-spire LS

2016 was a pretty epic year for some music artists and an epic fail for others; but never one to dwell on the worst. We have compiled our Top 10 tracks that simply rocked our world over the past 12 months. Not surprisingly; Rihanna pops up more than once! Do you agree with our choices and which one of the the tracks we’ve selected would feature in your definitive selection?

*Please note: Our choices are in no particular order….

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#BeInspired #NoMakeup Campaign | Why I Adore The Makeup Free Alicia Keys

Growing up as a young singer/songwriter and music lover, I myself always had a huge respect and admiration for Alicia Keys. She is really one of the only artists that I can truly say, hand on heart, that I was a true FAN of, in the real sense of the word FAN! I mean I have loved many an artist while coming up, but my love for Alicia Keys topped them all! From the moment I first laid eyes on this absolute Goddess in cornrows, sitting at a piano, hitting notes that pierced the soul and walking through the streets of New York with a realness and purity intertwined; that I had never yet seen from any artist – I was hooked! Something about this artist just resonated with me on a higher level than most ever would.

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