Emily- Rose is a major talent who has been on our television screens for a long time and has progressed so far in her presenting career to date that she is now currently based in LA. We remember Emily-Rose back in her MTV hip hop honeys days, but since then, her career has progressed from strength to strength. When we got the opportunity to catch up with the talented presenter, we jumped at the chance. Read on to find out how Emily-Rose progressed within her career, what has been her career highlights so far and why she decided to offer her tricks of the trades to others. She is an inspirational woman with talent and looks of equal measure.  Enjoy!

Emily-Rose, I remember watching you on your breakout show ‘MTV’s fly on the wall’ show ‘Hip Hop Candy’ which you won. How much did the show help you to carve out the presenting career you have today?

It was a great learning process. I got to experience long days and how production on shows really works. It showed me that I loved being in front of the camera. The show meant that you were, for quite a long period of time having to spend hours with three other girls who were vying for the crown.


What was it like being filmed with them day in day out and coming out on top as the winner; did you gain any animosity from the ladies or any other models within the industry?

Um yeah did you watch the show!? I definitely wasn’t liked that much, it wasn’t a horrible experience at all but looking back I’m just glad I got on with it. I was there on a job, I am very professional, so my main aim was to go to castings and book them. And I succeeded so nothing else mattered. The only girl I still speak to is Rachel who never made it to NYC. We email and TWITTER.

What were your friends and families opinions about you entering the programme?

They were so happy for me . Booking the show was recognition to the hard work I’d been putting in to the industry. I was honoured I would be one of 4 UK models being showcased in America . My parents raised me very well , they knew they had nothing to worry about .

” Brandon Kuhn Underwater photographer extrodinaire” http://www.brandonkuhnphoto.com/

What made you stand out in the MTV show was your bigger than life personality which was equally matched with a major drive to succeed. Where would you say your drive and motivation stems from?

Well thank you! My motivation stems from my parents. Don’t be fooled by my accent, it may sound extremely well spoken but it doesn’t mean I grew up wealthy. I went to a French school and never wanted to sound French so instead adopted an over the top queens English that stuck. (Laughs) My parents were very hard working and made sure they made enough money for a good education and great family holidays. I am so thankful to be an adult who’s well educated and well travelled. It’s all the tools you need to network and get ahead.

You entered the show to be a hip-hop honey but now you are a successful presenter. Did you have intentions beforehand of using the opportunity as a platform to bigger and better things?

I entered the show as a model, not a video honey. So when the show was over and I saw the cover of Touch Magazine with Pharell and I on there and as a result of that I was being named the UK’s number 1 video vixen I was both flattered and ashamed. I knew the negative vibes in US that came with being a video model. My sister said do not bite the hand that feeds you. I would get hundreds of emails from girls from my site www.emilyrosetv.com asking how I got there etc so I turned that into a business. I started teaching workshops for aspiring models and teaching them etiquette and handing them all my contacts from the years, making sure they knew there is way more to modelling than videos. Now I live in LA, I am a presenter on various shows and have just written my own show.

Within your time as a model you worked with some of Hip-Hops finest Directors and artists. What was the highlight of being a video model for you and out of all the people you got to work with, who were your favourites and why?

Easy ! the ones that involved travel. JD from So Solid Crew’s video in Marbella was SICK ! He is still a friend of mine and he also lived between LA and LDN so I still get to see him from time to time. Working with the amazing Ray Kay was extraordinary. Not only was that but the video for Mark Morrison and shot in Barbados as we flew out for 5 days. The 2 first days we were ordered to rest and tan and got paid for it !! I also met one of my great friends and fellow model Maysoon () and shot it with my twinsie Charleen Reena (http://charleenerena.com/) who is now tearing up the charts.

When you present you have such a natural flair but even the most experienced presenters have undergone some form of training. What form of training did you undergo to hone your skills?

I became a presenter because I can’t act, I can’t not be me. I leave that to my sister Coralie Rose who’s made some big moves in UK acting scene. When I present I let my personality shine thru. That being said, when I moved to LA my incredible manager Marki Costello, manager to many big presenters had a hosting academy which I enrolled in. I took her boot camp and classes because you get to go and practice in front of your peers and that is the best place to gain confidence and like they say practice makes perfect. If you’re ever in LA and want to try presenting you have to go to her boot camp she will change your life. She changed mine and I live here right!?  For information on that, check out her site www.cmeg.com .

Being a presenter on the rise you must at some point have faced adversity and challenges, especially when securing work. How do you stay one step ahead of the competition and how have you overcome any of the barriers you have faced along the way?

I truly believe that if the job is meant for me it is meant for me. I am unique and I know there is no one out there like me. So I have no competition. That doesn’t mean I think I’m the best at everything, it just means as long as I stay on my drive , keep everything professional and work harder each and every day I can overcome anything.

” property of Estevan Oriol www.estevanoriol.com”

You are fluent in not only French but Spanish also which has helped you a great deal within your presenting career so far. Apart from the obvious, what would you say is the major differences in presenting in other languages to English and which do you prefer the most?


I am actually presenting a show in French and it’s so hard. I am fluent in both languages yes, but I think and dream in English. That makes it hard to present as I pride myself on being quick and witty but French humour is so different! I definitely prefer presenting in English.


You were noted as Company Magazines ‘Star of the Future’. What does it feel like to be recognised for your talents?

It means the world. It shows hard works pays off and my support group (family and friends) never stopped believing in me. It means a lot being recognised by In-spireLS Magazine too.

You would you list as your biggest supporters?


My mama, pops and sister without a doubt. My oldest best friend Solankhe, Anna Mustoe and then my LA family, Radhika, Samantha, Lala and my boyfriend.

What would you say is the best part about being you?

I am the luckiest girl; I have the most wonderful family and friends. The most incredible jobs, a beautiful home and everyday is different.

You are currently based in the US. How much would you say this move has helped you within your presenting career?

So much! In London, it felt like everyone wanted me to fail. In America everyone is enthusiastic, dreams come true every day. I mean, I have 3 dream and they all cooler than the other. I am a presenter, a beauty editor for www.positivelycelebrity.com and we even have an app you can download to your iphone search itunes positively celebrity I also work for Adidas entertainment. They supported me throughout my career and I am proud to be a part of that family. There are no limits to jobs in US. In the UK I felt like I had to choose one avenue.  In LA I can be whatever I choose to be.

When starting out as a presenter, who inspired you and at this point in your career, who inspires you now?

June Sarpong , she never had to dumb it down or change her voice . Cat Deeley as she made the big jump to US so well and now Ryan Seacrest . He is on radio , TV , Red Carpets and behind the scenes presenting and produces hit shows like the ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians.’

“Picture from Mark Morrison Video directed by Ray Kay” Emily with Charleen Reena and Maysoon”

You have your home on the web Emily RoseTV which showcases your talents. How vital would you say it is to have your work on the worldwide web and has it been useful to you in terms of gaining presenting opportunities?

It’s a great hub to have all my media up on . I have my show reel there, links to all YouTube celebrity interviews that I find, produce and do myself. I have my own social network on there too where anyone who is a member can join and blog and I feature their work and it gets showcased to hundreds of thousands of viewers. Go on the site www.emilyrosetv.com and click on social network if you would like to blog.


It also keeps everything I do current. I hosted Snoop Dogg’s celebrity ‘All Star Game’ with him, The Game and Chris Brown . I was presenting it with Ken Jeong from Hangover movies and DMC ! I mean hip hop legend and me ! WHAAATTTT!!!  I uploaded photos to my site and got another gig 3 days later.

Do you have any positive quotations that you apply to your life? If yes, what are they?

Key word there is positive. I am very, very positive. Like everyone I have bad days, and if I do, I let the positivity pour out, then start afresh the next day. Always treat others how you would like to be treated is my biggest motto. Simple as that.

What can readers of In-spireLS look forward to from you in the coming months?

I have written my own travel show . So not IF but WHEN that airs will be a dream come true . I also am doing a ONE off workshop in the UK weekend of August 20th .  Any models, presenters or anyone who wants a career boost and contacts in US and UK should come down . I’ll be in London for one week only so make sure to email me at for more info on that .

Thank you Emily-Rose for answering our questions. Please round it off by completing these sentences…

I am at my best when…..I’m around my FAMILY/loved ones.

Life is……..LOVE and obstacles, but love conquers all.
I am most focused on……. being happy and spreading that happiness.
Self belief can………….be the strength you need to do whatever you put your mind to.
Drive can…………..make your dreams become reality.
Three words that best describe me are………….kind, passionate and driven.
I am a ‘Wonderwoman’ because………………I am believe in ME as much as I believe in others.





W| Interview by Sasha Shantel                         I| Courtesy of Emily Rose- All Rights Reserved by credited photographers- Header image by Estevan Oriol

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