Let’s face it. Breakfast, whilst being the most important meal of the day, can be extremely dull. And that’s if you have time to even eat breakfast! In our busy lives, getting a nutritious and healthy breakfast takes a back seat to other important aspects. You are usually more concerned with making it to the bus stop or train station in time, or getting on the road before the morning rush starts. You might even have to try and get some breakfast into your children before they head off to school, making your breakfast needs a low priority.

Breakfast At Work

The easiest thing to do is wait until you get into work before having your breakfast, but that’s where the next struggle begins. You want to have a healthy, wholesome breakfast but it needs to be convenient. You are sick of the monotony of cereal, and you want something healthier than bread. Having breakfast is essential to get you ready for the day. Without it, you will find yourself becoming restless, tired and unfocused.

Eating breakfast helps the body regulate its blood glucose levels and kick starts your metabolism, giving you better levels of energy to get you through a busy work day. Having breakfast means you will also find yourself snacking less during the day, and a balanced nourishing breakfast will see you all the way through to lunchtime.

A healthier breakfast

One way to ensure you get a satisfying and healthy breakfast would be to create your own smoothie bowl. It needn’t be a chore to source fresh fruit for your smoothie bowl and if you’re in an office with others that might want to make their own delicious smoothie bowl, you could even consider getting fresh fruit delivered! A fruit delivery to the office will get you a huge variety of high quality different fruits without the hassle of bringing it in yourself on the bus!

What Is A Smoothie Bowl?

Smoothie bowls are a twist on the traditional and popular smoothie drink, but transferring it to a bowl leaves room for you to create a nutritious masterpiece with the addition of tasty toppings. A smoothie bowl is the perfect way to get your recommended five daily portions of fruit and vegetables, and get your working off to a great start.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are an ideal breakfast because they are light and easy way of getting essential nutrients and natural sugars. Heavy breakfasts like eggs, bacon and toast will sit in your stomach and make you feel fatigued. A smoothie bowl is a quick and delicious breakfast that can ensure your body gets all the daily nutrients that you need. There are thousands of different combinations of fruit that you can add to your smoothie bowl, so you’ll never have to endure the same monotonous breakfast every morning.

Here is simple and easy recipe to create a super nutritious breakfast smoothie bowl:

Banana Blueberry Breakfast Bowl

This one is a great and colourful way of starting your day. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, fibre, potassium and vitamins, making this particular smoothie bowl extra good for you. The sweetness of the bananas gives you a delicious breakfast without having to resort to sugar filled cereals.


Simply whiz up your bananas and blueberries in a blender with your choice of milk or natural yoghurt. Add a dash of cinnamon and a squeeze of honey if you fancy a little more sweetness. Pour it into a large bowl and top with whole blueberries and crunchy granola for a different texture.

With great nutritional value, and a delicious taste, why not invent your own smoothie bowl bar at work – it could help you work and feel better.




W| By David Milsont                                                                              

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