So you have a knack for sewing. You’ve sewn on some buttons, maybe hemmed a skirt or two. You even did a bit of detailed needle  work on your halloween costume. Now you’re thinking “I could do this for a living!” Not so fast. There are quite a few things you’ll have need of and not all of them can be bought.


That’s right. Creativity. You won’t always be following a pattern and not everything will always have a set place. You need an artist’s eye to stand out from the crowd, to show that you’re a cut above all the rest. Otherwise, why hire you? Besides, you wouldn’t be satisfied monogramming hand bags and hemming prom dresses your whole life would you?

Measuring Tape

More importantly how to read one. This is one of the seamstresses most important tools. Most of the time you’ll have exacting specifications that need to be followed to a T. One wrong snip or misread measurement can set you back hours. Not to mention cost you money in the form of expensive fabric. So learn how to use and read a measuring tape, trust me, a little time now saves a lot of time later.

Needles and Pins and Pins and Needles

This one may seem like a no brainer, but it’s so very easy to underestimate just how many (and how many different types) of pointy things you’ll need. They aren’t just decoration for your retro pin cushion. You’ll need needles for sewing by hand, and needles for your machine, and pins to hold all different sorts of fabric in place. You’ll run out before you know it

Sharp Cutting Tools

Have you ever tried cutting fabric with dull scissors? I have and it isn’t fun nor is it pretty. You need concise cuts that won’t leave the edges of your material a frayed mess. Learn how to sharpen your own blades and you’ll save yourself all kinds of grief.


An active facebook page for your business is a great start. Word of mouth only gets you so far. Business cards, a filing cabinet. Oh yeah, you get to write your own invoices now, fun fun. If this is something you’re serious about invest in an e-filing software early on. You’ll thank me come tax time.

Sewing Machine

You have more orders coming in than you know what to do with, no help, and a very sore thumb. Are you going to do it all by hand? Goodness no! You need a serious sewing machine like for example, the Brother SE400 or the Singer Quantum Stylist 9960, these models can be used for business. This is probably going to be your biggest starting investment. Take your time, do your research, and get one that will last. Because you will be relying on this machine for quite some time.

Before you choose which brand you should put your money on, you can always check for reviews online. For sewing machine brand reviews, there’s a lot  more on, don’t forget to check it out.

Got everything on the list? Don’t jump for joy just yet. You’ve still got a long hard road ahead of you. But with the right attitude, a flair for the creative, and an extremely large dose of determination you just might make it. With a little luck thrown in you just might make it big. Good luck!








W| By Peter King                                                  Via #InspireLSCareers 

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