It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t write an introduction for the entertainer that is Bianca Simmone, self made businesswoman, striving for greatness, she is in more ways than one a role model and an all round ‘Wonderwoman’ Find out about how Bianca landed major modelling assignments for UK and US magazines, who she lists her number one supporters, where she plans to take her music career over the coming months and who in-spires her the most. #Beinspired.

Bianca, you are indeed a ‘Wonderwoman’!  You have model, singer, designer and presenter under your belt, all before 30!! What would you say has been the driving force behind your success?.

I have always known I wanted to be in entertainment, whatever it maybe and that I could only succeed if I really and truly wanted it. I also had to recognise quite quickly that nothing would be easy for me.

You have been used to being in the limelight and from the age of 6 you were landing starring roles in school plays and shows? What was the definitive moment when you realised you were born to perform?.

I think that moment was in primary school and I sang for children in need with my school choir. I loved being on stage and showing my talent to people and when they applauded after our performance, it made official that I wanted to perform.

From attending some of your live shows, whether for modelling or singing, your mother is never too far from view. How has your mother’s support helped you on your journey so far?.

Oh she is my world, she is one the person who never lacks when it comes to supporting me. She is always at the front screaming or dancing, sometimes so much she takes away the attention from me on stage to her. (laughs) It’s all good, everything I have and who I am is because of her. She has supported me emotionally, mentally and financially throughout my life wherever she can and if she couldn’t, she would find another way to help.

Away from your mother and immediate family, who else would you say have supported you wholeheartedly in your endeavours so far?.

Oh there are so many people I’m scared I will miss out someone. Ok, so my team… H-Money & the rest of the B.O.E team, Eboni(Stylist),Michael(Graphics/Web),Trevor(Photography)Charlie(Agent),Dionne,Semone/Mel(Make Up/Hair), Simone(PR),Kay Slay,Patrick, Reel Works/Moonrunners.

Then friends and industry people…Baby Blue, Birdman, Queen, Sam, Amira, Gina, Tasha, Miss London, Pink&Blackz, Dj’s Mista Hooli, Hotsteppa, Chuckie, CJ Beatz, Ronnie Herrel, QT 2hype and my list can go on but these people above have supported Bianca Simmone all the way. Much love to them all.

You honed your performance skills as a child when attending ‘Kidz Club’. How was your overall experience there? And with everything you have achieved so far, would you ever consider opening your own initiative to aid other kids who have a love of performance like you did?.

It helped me develop my own talents and gave me a platform to teach others. I give thanks to the teachers there that gave up their Saturday’s to teach as it enabled me to gain leadership skills, people skills and an all-round understanding of performing and management skills. With all that I learnt I have already considered and looked into an idea of a company that will give back to the community and help those with a love and passion for performing and also doing the ground work behind the scenes in the entertainment field. So yes…hopefully once I have everything sorted I will definitely be giving a helping hand to others.

Before modelling, dancing was also a field which you pursued heavily and you enrolled with the west end dance troop 20/20. Your time there led to you gaining work as a backing dancer for the likes of Kylie Minogue and Kele Le Roc. How would you say your time there prepared you for your own choreography and preparation for your own shows?.

Oh I loved dancing for 20/20. Our dance teacher Monica was great at what she did, she was a very talented young lady. 20/20 dance group helped me reach a more advanced level to my dancing skills than when I was with ‘Kidz Klub’ it pushed me a lot more. Monica was tuff on us, I remember at a basketball show called ‘Ruff and Ready’ she made me do a spin about 10 times back stage where all the other dance groups and basket ball players were. I was so embarrassed but it helped me get the move correct and brush off the shyness which you must not have as a performer. Now when I do my shows I know how to move my body and allow myself to entertain musically.

Your big break came at the age of 11 when you were asked to sing to an audience of 90,000 people. How did this opportunity come about and how did you find the overall experience?.

This opportunity came around when I was at ‘Kidz Klub’. Our classes were in Wembley and the lady who owned the company had great connections. She just told us one day that we would be singing in front of a big football crowd at the stadium and we all had to rehearse the songs and dance moves/steps to go with it. It was definitely was overwhelming and fun.

Modelling came into the picture soon after and without being signed to an agency, you were able to carve a successful career out of modelling. Your CVis proof of that, having appeared in music videos for some of the best UK, African and US artists including; D-Banj, Choong Family, So-Solid, Jay Sean, Lil -Wayne and Birdman to name but a few. On top of this you have featured in a number of reputable magazines here in the UK and the US. How did you create these opportunities for yourself and how proud are you of what you have able to achieve?.

To be honest I don’t even remember how the opportunities came about but when they did I presented myself to them and took everything I learned and applied it so I could make big business moves. I studied the US modelling industry for a while before I went over there so I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve and what they would have wanted from me. I made some great friends and business contacts that looked after me and had my best interest as there are many people out there who don’t have your best interest at heart. Working with Kay Slay was a blessing as he is really a great guy and has a great business mind. I am proud when I take a few minutes out of my day to think about all I have done.  But, there is so much more I want to achieve and I sometimes forget all the great things I have done already.

When you first visited the US in 2007, you met up with ‘Hot 97’ radio personality, DJ Kay Slay, who introduced you to fellow musicians, producers and designers who helped you to realise your own passion even more strongly. How did you get the ball rolling?.

I met Kay Slay at a fashion show held by Mr Blassingame who owns ‘Blackmen & Blackwoman Magazine’. A photographer called Wiley introduced me to the fashion show which I attended twice. At the show I met Kay Slay’s in house photographer Patrick Adams. Patrick organised a photo shoot for Kay Slay’s magazine ‘Straight Stuntin’ and Kay loved the pictures and received such a great response that when I came back to the states again shortly after, they put me on the front cover with Maino. Since then Kay and I have remained good friends and business contacts and he always fully supports my projects.

Many view not being signed as a recording artist can bring difficulties. However, many of the artists on the rise that I have interviewed have recognized the benefits of being an independent artist. Have you found that as an independent artist you have more control over the music you put out and your image?.

Oh most definitely…everyone knows that once you have a label behind you most of the time they are trying to shape you into something they want and not necessarily who you are. The major difficultly is financial when it comes to not having a label but other than that I think it’s great learning how to deal with your project yourself. Some artists have no clue about any sides of the business and that is how you can get ripped off. I love learning and brainstorming ideas and being the engine behind my project/music.

I absolutely loved your single ‘Pressure’ featuring Baby Blue. You recently released the ‘Pressure’ EP. How well has the record been received?.

Aww that’s great…I’m glad you do :). The sales have been good, it’s hard as I can only reach a mass audience due to the fact I don’t have a label or major financial backing to push my name out there more but so far I am happy with the love it has received.

You not too long ago completed a successful tour with ‘The Real Deal Comedy Team’ who hosts comedians from Def Jam and other major comedians from the UK around the UK. How were the shows overall?.

It was a great experience. I had a lot of fun with everyone that took part in the tour and everyone that organised it, along with the audience that came to watch. The crowd were responsive, the after parties were jumping, so all round thumbs up :).

So far, you have performed live in a number of venues. What has been your best live show and why?.

I think the best would be Cardiff which I did a few weeks ago. I had the ladies moving the guys dancing and I had an encore from the crowd. That was a beautiful feeling. Plus many people came up to me after to tell me they enjoyed it, that’s the best feeling ever.

When people hear your music, what effect do you want it to have on them?.

The one main thing that I love to achieve is that when people hear it they can 1) enjoy it and have it as a track on their iPod or phone and 2) be able to sing along to it. I had my friend and her other friend dancing to it the other day and singing the lyrics…for me that was a moment I wouldn’t trade.

What would you say makes you stand out as an artist in the UK?.

I am more than just about music; I am a creative artist with more than one talent under my belt. I also do it all by myself which shows I am a business woman who is willing to graft and learn and not have the success handed to her but to create it by her own hands. I make music that comes from my own mind and heart which gives off positive energy that many can relate to.

Apart from yourself, what artists within the UK are in your opinion are the 1’s 2watch?.

Oh there are a few, I am just going to reel off a few names off the top of my head. Chipmunk, Jessie J, Wretch32, Wizzy Wow, Baby Blue, Talay Riley, Loick Essien, FDM, Shad, J Warne, Mike Houghrand Naye who is on my next single, he is an extremely talented guy. These are names that are just becoming familiar with everyone but by the time 2012 comes round I think all of the above names will be on the tip of everyone’s tongue. Oh including me too (flutters eyelids lol)

Your video for ‘Pressure’ featured cameos from BBC presenter, comedian and previous ‘Wonderwoman’ feature Miss London and RnB group Fundamental. All round it looked like a great day. How much say did you have in the overall direction of the video and were you pleased with the finished product?.

I had full control and input for my video, I produced it all, and I created the scenes and where everything should go and how the editing should also look. Obviously with the help of ‘Reel Works TV’ they made it easier for me to understand certain things and organised their crew e.t.c but on a whole I had 65% creative control and the rest was my team, Eboni (Stylist),Endzone Image(Make Up&Hair), Temi(Hair), Anton Thrust (Choreographer), Reel Works TV, Apple Bottoms/Georgie Couture Clothing. Oh and I can’t forget my mother and the rest of my family who made it possible also.

In terms of your highly anticipated album, what can your supporters look forward to gaining from it?.

They will be able to relate to the tracks as if it were them that wrote it. Catchy melodies to sing along to on the train, in your car or even whilst exercising at the gym. Easy listening and all-round feel good music. Many buy EP’s or album’s and only like 2-3 tracks I am aiming for every track to me liked by someone.

What motivates you most within your career?.

It’s my baby, my project, my heart. It keeps me going when all around me might not be great. Alongside my passion for music, my mother and father motivate me every day as without them I wouldn’t be living out my dream.

Who or what in-spires you the most?.

My mother inspires me the most as she is one of the hardest working women I know. Sometimes I don’t know how she does it. (laughs)

What positive affirmations do you apply to your life?.

‘Let go and Let God’, sometimes you just have to let whatever it is go and believe that God will sort it out in his way, in his own time.

‘Sky isn’t the limit as you can’t see where it ends’…never give up and never think you have finally made it. There is always more to achieve and more to learn and reach for.

‘Anything worth having is worth working hard for’. Many people believe that you should be able to obtain all you wish for but the things you most want out of life are the things that need a little bit of elbow grease (laughs) you have to put the groundwork in to receive something out of it.

And lastly ‘Music is my heart and success is my Destiny’. What your heart truly feels for and beats for will fight till its last breath to make sure it succeeds in what it set out to do. Nothing happens over night so continuous love and passion will create the path to your destiny which will be your success.

I had to ask more about your clothing designs. A few years back you brought out your brand of t-shirts embellished with your logo on the front. They were a sell out! Your frustration at not finding clothing to flatter your figure inspired you to start working on your own clothing designs. Is this a venture that we can look forward to seeing quite soon?.

Most definitely, with my modelling and music career I was left with no time to continue the brand but once everything comes together the range will be hot and I will look forward to presenting it all to you guys.

Bianca, how can In-spireLS readers keep up with you with and your latest news and info?.

They can follow me on or go to my website , or .


Thanks for answering these questions Bianca- please round them off by completing these sentences…….


I am passionate about…my music.

I am at my happiest when…I have accomplished what I set out to do.

I am most confident when… I am allowed to express my talents.

Self love can…only come from within, love yourself first before another can love you back but never love another more before God.

Without vision…your path will never be clear.

I trust in……God and my family as he made my path and my family held the torch.

I am at my best when…I am allowed to be me.

Fear can………only weaken you but hope will always make you stronger.

I am focused on………my destiny.

I am a ‘WonderWomanbecause……I am who I am and I believe in what I do. Trust no man before God and be determined to succeed and be all I can be, for me and my family.




W|Interview by Sasha Shantel I| Courtesy of Bianca Simmone- All Rights Reserved


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