#FashionINspired | The Best Fashion Month Looks So Far

Can you believe that February’s done? It seems that January lasted for 3 months and February, the fashion month, for only 10 days! Crazy, isn’t it? Be as it may, February brought to us new rules and trends as far as fashion is concerned, so we can relax now browsing the internet to find the best fashion combinations we are going to rock during the course of 2018. So, take a look at the best fashion trends that are going to be huge this year:


One of the most prominent trends that somehow started in 2017 but reached its peak this year is definitely wearing PVC plastic garments. If you don’t own a plastic piece of clothing, consider yourself totally unprepared for the upcoming season. Chanel and Valentino started this whole trend by introducing their PVC transparent coats, but if these are a bit too much for you, you can always opt for a PVC accessory such as a belt, backpack or shoes. The good thing about these is that they won’t be hiding your killer combination you’re wearing underneath, so you can always wear the best pieces you own and still have them noticed, even with a coat on top!



A lot of gold is in this season! Thanks to Versace, gold accessories are bigger and bolder than ever. Make no mistake, though, the trend is not wearing gold from head to toe – one of the biggest hits the following season will be golden accessories. So choosing between a golden brooch that you will put on a beige blazer like Gigi Hadid in Versace’s backstage photo shoot, a black leather belt with golden details or a lot of golden necklaces around your neck is definitely something all of us will be doing this year. Make sure to get all the golden rings and bracelets your mom or grandma have and rock them out in the streets proudly. Be golden this year!



It seems that Versace is dictating the trends this season. Could it be because of the TV show American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace? Probably not, as Versace is always magnificent. Another thing that is going to be huge this year are colors. For example, the already mentioned brand rocked multiple colors on a single garment, but the most prominent was the combination of navy blue and red, which does indeed look amazing. Moreover, it’s also the season of comic book pants and tops, so having your favorite cartoon or comic book character on your thighs is possible this year. Lastly, choosing different brands to put on your top is also something you should look for – take any 90s brand logo and have it printed on your t-shirt. Fantastic!



As far as oriental is concerned, there is a place in the fashion industry that is reserved only for this. Namely, if you’ve ever wanted to wear a kaftan this is your chance to, because 2018 is the season for that. The positive thing about kaftans is that they are not only meant for the beach. There are some which are excellent for wearing during the day in the city, or ones that are dark, so they’re excellent for a cold, rainy day. The uniqueness and originality of kaftans always improves our mood, so make sure to check out a couple of them and equip yourself with at least one for the seasons to come.



Perhaps this future we’re living at the moment isn’t the future that we expected to see ten years ago, but there are sure futuristic elements that met our expectations. Even though it’s still not fashionable to go out in the streets wearing futuristic garments from head to toe, you should definitely choose one and combine with the rest of your attire. This season, the biggest futuristic hits are definitely sunglasses and shoes, so if you get to see something that you really like, go ahead and wear it with confidence!



Last but not the least, let’s talk a bit about probably the biggest trend of the previous year that is only becoming stronger and stronger. Ladies (and some gentlemen), we’re talking about athleisure! This year, you literally have no rules, as you can combine high-quality sneakers with a formal gown and still look hella good.

It seems that 2018 doesn’t have any rules, but you know the fashion world – you cannot make any mistakes. So if you’re a fashionista and really do care about what your Instagram followers will say about your attire – take a couple of ideas from this list and watch the likes and followers multiply.




W| By Claire Hastings                                via #FashionINspired

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#FashionINspired | How to Choose Sunglasses that Best Fit Your Style and Face

We all know and love that Horatio Caine signature move with his Silhouette shades, but would this iconic meme-worthy moment be so beloved around the world if he had chosen a different pair of glasses? Unlikely. With that in mind, there’s a unique charisma and sass in each and every one of us, waiting patiently to be brought to the surface with the right accessories, because nothing can accent your best features quite like a well-chosen detail.

To find your own Horatio-worthy pair of eyewear, it’s essential to know your face and use your most prominent features to find the perfect frame, color, and style that will complement your entire look.

Photo by Caitlyn Hastings on Unsplash

Determine your face shape

Photo by Conner Baker on Unsplash

No need to bring out the measuring tape, although some perfectionists among you might feel the need to do just that. It’s more than enough to determine with your own fingers as a point of reference, if your forehead is wider than the rest of your face, and your chin is sharp and narrow, which makes it heart-shaped, or if your forehead and jawline are prominent and strong, meaning that you’re in the “square face” team.

Oval-shaped faces are lengthy and predominantly narrow, although your chin may be slightly narrower than your forehead, but the difference is not as obvious as with your heart-shaped folks. Finally, if your face width and length are almost the same, you have a round face. A general rule of thumb is to choose the opposite for your eyewear, to give your features some balance, but now that you know your shape, let’s delve into details!

The lucky ovals

Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash

This is a particularly eyewear-friendly shape that gives you plenty of room for playful choices for any occasion. From the classic aviators, , all the way to a sharp pair of cat eye shades, you can take your pick as long as you keep the width within the boundaries of your face.

Another feature to keep in mind is to go for lighter frames, and avoid overly chunky, heavy ones that will look too “heavy” for your facial anatomy.

The queen of hearts

Photo by Jamakassi on Unsplash

Beauties such as Scarlett Johansson and Naomi Campbell boast this tricky facial shape, and they rock classic eyewear the best, although other options can come in handy and emphasize your lovely cheekbones just as well. However, for those among you with a petite, soft face, it’s wise to stick to lighter frames (or no frames at all) and never for oversized.

But generally speaking, if your features are sharp and prominent, some size cannot do any harm, on the contrary! Even a bulkier, decorated frame can do wonders for such a look, and wearing aviator-shaped Quay sunglasses in any color can mimic your facial structure. This is a rare opportunity, since the previously-mentioned rule doesn’t restrict your options when you have heart-shaped features.

Square for rounds

Photo by frankie cordoba on Unsplash

Now to turn to those that attract their opposites, for those that have a round, relatively proportionate face in terms of length and width, you will best complement your style with sharp, square frames. This is a simple trick to create an “optical illusion” of more prominent cheekbones.

Another great option that will especially work well with shorter haircuts are the wayfarers, whose geometry lends a few fun angles to your appearance. That said, avoid round and small eyewear as much as possible, as they will only give extra fullness to your look.

Round for squares

Photo by Emmanuel Bior on Unsplash

An edgy profile needs some softening from your accessory ensemble, hence the need to find a curvy pair of sunglasses to even out those sharp angles. Some added width is also a good idea, to create the illusion of more delicate lines on the sides. However, don’t shy away from playing with texture and color when choosing the right frame, as these qualities can go a long way in shifting the focus from the edges to the details, and they can lend your outline a rounder look.

If you have a preference for quirky and eccentric, then may be your go-to pair. There are other butterfly varieties you can opt for, and this playful shape allows you to mix it with a pastel tone and a lightweight frame, to elevate your entire look and give you a note of elegance and subtlety.




W| By Claire Hastings                                                     Via

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2018 Articles, Lifestyle Comments (0) |

#Lifestyle | Wine Room Etiquettes: Do You Know the Most Important Rules?

Just like it is important to store fine wine in a cellar to preserve the quality and the taste of your wine investment, it is also essential to practice wine room manners and etiquettes to preserve one’s reputation in the world of wine.

So, here are some of the most important etiquettes that one is supposed to know about wine tasting, or just about being in the wine room itself.

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#FoodandDrink | Victory Mansion – Stoke Newington’s Hidden Gem

On Stoke Newington High St, you will find lots of places to eat, however if you’re a local or happen to be visiting the area, we’d recommend you do pop by Victory Mansion opposite the police station, for their delectable tacos. It’s been on the high street for over two years, but they recently changed the menu to make it more affordable for local residents and its going down a storm; based on keen observations.

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#InspireLSHome | Fun and Easy Ways to Decorate Your Living Room

Your living room is the room where, as the name says, all the LIFE of your household happens. It is a place where you welcome guests, where you enjoy those lazy Saturdays watching your favorite TV show, where your child says their first words and where you’re just being yourself.

Now, after knowing all that, it can be quite depressing to notice that this room is starting to seem a little ‘lifeless’, right? However, luckily for you, there is a thing called internet, where you can find all the top secret interior design tips you need to bring life back to your living room or any other room for free.

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#FashionINspired | 4 Unique Ways to Accessorise Your Body

Even though the clothes don’t make the man, the truth is that they speak a lot of him and his habits, beliefs, and thoughts, which is exactly why people tend to pay a lot of attention to their physical appearance. Apart from the clothes, accessories also play a huge role here, so stay with us if you want to learn about four unique ways to accessorise your body. Just keep on reading and check them out!

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#FoodandDrink | Machiya, Panton Street, London

Note to self. You really shouldn’t go shopping or out to eat when you’re starving as it means you’re order the entire menu and don’t leave any ample space for dessert. (I guess you live and you learn!). However, once you venture into the Japanese eatery Machiya; you will understand just why I wanted to eat it all.

Machiya is named after townhouses that once defined the Kyoto cityscape. It is a restaurant and a bar combined and is the perfect setting for day or night dining.

I headed down to Machiya along with In-spire LS Magazine’s Creative Director Katie Ryan to sample what they had to offer and was left completely satisfied with what the eatery had to offer.

In terms of the building itself; Machiya is very compact and you can’t help but feel cramped as it is a popular food spot and is always filled with people. This evening was no exception. We were led to our seats which was situated midway in the building and were packed quite tightly to the seats on either side. However, it was easy to forget this once we had a look at our menu.

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#SWInspires | Speak It Into Existence

Over the years I have witnessed cliché cycles within my field of work, which become popular and are regurgitated across the public speaking circuits, pulpits, conferences and eventually make their way around peoples social media streams and timelines. They die out, new ones take their place, and eventually they become popular again in season. One such saying is “Speak it into existence”. Books like ‘The Secret’ and many others speak on The Law of Attraction and the notion that you can create your life with the content that you give the world through the power of your words. Some use the term ‘karma’, others ‘what goes around comes around’, others believe in the power of affirmations, and some are just superstitious.

When I considered the power that our words contain, I wasn’t too interested in how our words impact tangible things, like a persons feelings, or a response driven statement, I was rather interested in what actually happens when I speak, even if I am all alone and can only bear witness to my own words. I look at my own faith and my understanding that God spoke and created the world. By speaking He called things into existence. When God created man and woman, He created us in His image and gave us dominion over the earth. He endowed us with a power to “speak”. So does this mean that if I say I want something, and speak it enough it will come to me? Many hold this view. However, I believe that while our words do indeed have power, our desires will not be fruitful if they are not in line with God’s will for our lives.

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