

Where is the love?
It feels, it has gone
My heart starts to bleed
What’s happening to me
its 2 minutes from bursting
It’s the core of where I’m hurting
Oh how I pray, it doesn’t show on the surface
My eyes filled with tears
And my mouth tired from cursing
I have no more life inside
Yet my mind refuses to hide…these feelings I have for you
Everyday I’m longing to find..
but ‘time’ just hasn’t been kind
The Earth moves when I think of you
The sun glows when I hear your voice
My breath goes when I hear your name
To find you..I’ll have all things to gain
You’re worth every kiss, touch & stroke of pain
My heart is still beating…it stops and it starts
I don’t know where you are but I don’t want us to part
No more numbness
Faith is the key..though not as easy as it sounds
But with belief…we can make it….and fly with the clouds
With belief we can make it
And share love all round
Now numbness is gone
Cause in you I have found
The secret to life
And that’s loving.. out loud


Keep up with Poet and Model Salena Lima on TWITTER@salenalima and subscribe to her official website coming soon-

W| By Salena Lima

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Spotlight Interview| Kyla Frye

There is great, then there is is greater still, the talents of our #wonderwoman feature ‘Kyla Frye’ have to be celebrated and shared.  A actress, model and inspiration to all. Learn more about this amazing talent from the UK, ready to leave her mark on the acting world. Question is, are we ready?

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Spotlight Interview| Bianca Simmone

It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t write an introduction for the entertainer that is Bianca Simmone, self made businesswoman, striving for greatness, she is in more ways than one a role model and an all round ‘Wonderwoman’ Find out about how Bianca landed major modelling assignments for UK and US magazines, who she lists her number one supporters, where she plans to take her music career over the coming months and who in-spires her the most. #Beinspired.

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For Love I Must

For Love ‘I must’

I must dance the most elaborate dance to the rhythmic beat of the drum, for it is the rhythmic beat of love… (the heart)
I must name a star after thee
But it must be the biggest and the brightest- the one that reflects light onto the sea… (the sun)
I must throw a bottle into the bluest ocean, and then years to come it will still be on that ocean floor coasting, drifting among the fishes with a love message inside that spoke of love wishes…(for you)

All these things I will do



For Love ‘I must’

Keep up with the talent that is our guest poet- Model and Writer Salena Lima -subscribe to her site coming soon

W| By Salena Lima

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Wonder Woman Comments (0) |

Spotlight Interview| Model Saffi Karina

Saffi, I have been a major supporter of your career for a long time and have seen you grace the screens and covers of numerous print campaigns over the years. You were actually scouted, whilst out and about on London’s Oxford street, but surely you must have looked into modelling before this point?

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Spotlight Interview| BNTM-Alisha White

Alisha White is a role model to all, having overcome a number of difficulties she has risen up the ranks and hit the mainstream after being the 1st woman of colour to place as 2nd runner up on Britain’s Next Top Model. Read our in-spirational interview with the star and prepare to be motivated and encouraged by her experiences. Enjoy….

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Spotlight Interview| Sashia Summers

An In-spire woman is a female who is strong in the face of adversity. Most importantly, she is dedicated and committed to implementing positive changes in her life. With this description in mind- our wonder woman Sashia Summers is an ideal and fitting choice.

Born and raised in the sunshine island of Jamaica. Sashia settled in the UK and began to successfully forge a career in Urban Glamour Modelling. In such a short amount of time Sashia has featured in countless UK and US online and print publications, had notable features in music videos and has recently launched her own official site.

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Spotlight Interview| Actress Leonie Haynes-Moses

In-spire Lifestyles appreciates and recognises talent. Not only the type that comes in the form of the overly hyped celebrity. We respect and showcase woman and men, who like us are climbing from the bottom and reaching for the top. Determination and passion are their driving forces and achievingtheir goals are evidently well within their reach. Here, we introduce you to Leonie Haynes-Moses UK, Model and Actress who is destined for major success and who is dedicated to claiming her star on the Hollywood “Walk of Fame” one step at a time.

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