#HealthMatters | 10 Facts about Memory Foam Mattresses that you Should Know

It is evident that sleep is an essential contributor to good health and well-being of a person. One of the biggest contributors to a good night’s sleep is a good mattress. The right mattress needs to be comfortable and firm to give a superior postural alignment. Although mattresses come in different models, memory foam mattresses are considered the best due to the facts highlighted below.

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#HealthMatters | Everyday Habits That Are Harming Our Eyes

We use our eyes every day. From the moment we wake to the moment we sleep, our eyes are in constant motion, helping us complete everyday tasks and enriching our lives with the beautiful sights around us. Without our vision, our lives would be severely compromised. Yet many of us harm our eyes on a daily basis. While certain health conditions can negatively affect our eyesight, our everyday habits can also be to blame. No wonder so many of us rely on glasses and contact lenses to correct our faulty vision.

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#HealthMatters | How Does a Supplement Make One’s Life Better

Apart from having a healthy balanced diet, adding supplements to your diet is also important. Supplements ensure that your body has the nutrients it requires every day for effective body performance. Supplements are necessary and beneficial to our bodies and that is why in this article, we are going to look at how supplements make our lives better.

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| Tried And Tested Recommendations To Regain Your Beautiful Skin

Not very many people are happy with their skin. In many instances, there are real reasons to be concerned about — dryness, premature ageing, or acne prone skin. Determining factors often range from improper mundane skin pampering all the way to poor lifestyle choices. More often than not, the damages do not become immediately apparent and are likely spotted when the damage has already manifested as a wrinkle, a dark spot or some other sign of skin aging.

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#OlgaStarEnlightens | Struggling With Meditation? READ THIS!

Meditation by its original definition is nothing more than thinking about something or contemplating about something. Lately however when someone says ‘I meditate’ we assume the person sits in the lotus position (with legs crossed) holding palms of their hands together in a prayerlike gesture and… thinking nothing.

When we want to meditate, we usually mean we want to relax in an efficient manner. In short, meditation can be any type of ‘activity’ where your mind is taken off the daily struggles and your body is somewhat rested. Which, in itself, is a bit of a dangerous slope given that many meditation tapes suggest for you to lie down. And of course, we fall asleep if we are tired enough, we’ve all been there!

So, are there other type of meditations we can all do easily and while achieving the results we seek from meditation: rest, recharge and some feeling of balance, (even if only a short period of time after performing meditation?)

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| Bespoke Facial Massage From Sanatio Naturalis

We are all searching for glowing healthy natural, youthful looking skin. A gentle daily facial massage and doing some facial yoga improves the skin’s circulation, giving it a healthy, youthful glow. As the circulation increases it encourages the lymph glands to eliminate toxins reducing puffiness and improving the overall complexion.

Choose the right essential oils for your skin type, for a normal or sensitive skin try Lavender, Geranium and Jojoba beauty oil. If your skin is oily try the addition of Cypress or Ylang Ylang oils and for blemishes try adding some Tea Tree. Mix a few drops of your selected oils with a carrier beauty oil like Jojoba before applying to your face.

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#InspireLSFitness | Summer Body on Point: Face it, Embrace it or Advance it

After the winter months and feasting comes the time of fasting for the summer tight and well-shaped body. There are numerous ways to get your body fit even without starving yourself to death. However, you can choose to simply face your body shape, embrace it or advance it, all depends on your goals for the summer and your metabolism.

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#HealthMatters | Steps To Take If You Think You Are the Victim of Medical Negligence

Becoming a victim of medical negligence can have serious consequences for patients. Medical misdiagnosis, being given the wrong medication or treatment, or being the victim of an error during surgery can lead to serious medical complications causing further health problems, poor quality of life, or in the worse cases even death. If you feel that the medical treatment you have received has been characteristic of malpractice, then you may be eligible to file a claim and receive compensation.
Here’s what to do if you feel that you have been the victim of medical negligence or malpractice.

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