Director Liv Karin Dahlstrøm and Producer Isak Eymundsson has been sweeping the boards at film festivals throughout the world, having been selected for 13 festivals and taking home the Oscar qualifying award at the Seattle International Film Festival. The film stars the well-known and popular Norwegian actress Marit Adeleide Andreassen.

Women and Wine is a humorous film about the fear of losing a friend. Turid is attending her close friend?s fiftieth anniversary, but during the party, she comes to realize she is no longer amongst her closest friends. Thus Turid starts a game to make her mark, and the party turns out to involve much more than singing and wine.

Director Liv Karin Dahlstrøm graduated from the Norwegian Film School in 2012. She has worked on several television productions including the children?s series The Games for NRK (Norwegian Public Broadcaster) and the comedy series What if (VGTV). She is currently working on the new NRK series Helium.

Producer Isak Eymundsoon is a film producer at Ape&Bjørn. He has produced the award winning series The Games, as well as the shorts The Committee and Women and Wine. Currently he is producing Joern Utkilen?s debut feature Lake Over Fire, and Jannicke Systad Jacobsen?s second feature The Domestique.
Marit Adeleide Andreassen (Turid) has starred in a range of films and TV series, including Jens Lien?s Jonny Vang and the Netflix series Lillyhammer.

Women and Wine has been selected at festivals such as The Norwegian Short Film Festival, Aspen Short Fest, Go Short International Short Film Festival and the Hamptons International Film Festival. The film won the Best Narrative Short Film Jury Prize at Seattle International Film Festival and The Writers Guild of Norway?s Award for Best Screenplay at The Norwegian Short Film Festival.




Via #MovieMatters  

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