1.Switch off electrical items such as televisions, kettles, toasters, games consoles and DVD players at the wall rather than leaving them on standby.
2.If you haven’t done so already switch to low energy light bulbs.
3.Use the timer in your boiler so that your heating is only on when you need it. You can also save money by turning your heating off altogether and wearing more layers. If you do need your heating on, a constant low heat rather than a high heat is more energy efficient.
4.When making hot drinks only boil the kettle with only enough water for the cup of tea that you’re making. This means the kettle isn’t working as hard and that it boils quicker.
5.To save energy and money switch off your computer monitor when you pop away from the PC. As long as you’ve saved your work, it’ll still be as you left it when you come back.
6.Switch your washing machine to 30 degrees instead of 40 degrees to save energy and lower your energy bill.
7.One that is a bit more risqué is to only flush your toilet on a number two and not number ones. It saves water and money, but may be best if you live alone.
Paper & Plastic
8. With all the mail that we get both at home and in the office we could make use of the envelopes and re-use them. Simply remove or cover over the original stamp and make and address label out of some scrap paper to stick on to the envelope.
9.Make use of paper that has been printed wrongly or junk mail that is only printed on one side. These can be stapled together and used as a note pad.

10. Now that some stores have started to charge for plastic bags, use cloth bags instead when shopping. They look great and can cost from 50p to £1. For reward points at certain stores give plastic bags back on your next shop.
11.Buy fruit and vegetables that are in season. This means they have less air miles and are cheaper then more exotic options.
12.Buy products with less packaging. Loose fruit and vegetables are often cheaper than the ones in packages.
13.For people who buy lunch at work check if your local sandwich bar or deli accepts returns of plastic food containers. Some shops may give discounts based on this – after all you’re saving them money.
14. Make use of the contents of your kitchen cupboards to make your own beauty products. This reduces the amount of packaging you’re throwing away and is a cheap, natural alternative to shop brought products. Mix olive oil, almond oil and honey make a fantastic hot oil treatment blend oatmeal, honey and yogurt to make a fantastic facemask. Do some research online for more ideas on homemade shampoos, conditioners and moisturisers.
Life Style

15. Cutting down on the amount of meat you eat is not only cheaper and healthier but with the destruction of the South American rainforests to grow the soy that feeds the livestock, you’d be doing the planet a favour too.
16. Walk, cycle or use public transport rather than the car. With MOT, insurance, road tax, petrol, servicing and maintenance, cars are an expensive game. If you must drive, use a service like StreetCar, which works as a pay as you go car hire service. Driving without the commitment and cost!
17.When driving, pay attention to your speed and the gear that you’re in. Driving in the right gear and avoiding harsh breaking will save you petrol.
18.Stay-cationing is the new way to holiday. More and more people are choosing to holiday at home rather than abroad in order to save money and play their part in reducing the environmental impact of flying. If you want to holiday abroad, travelling by train, boat or ferry can add to the sense of excitement.
19.Mothers with babies may want to look into using reusable nappies instead of disposable ones, which end up on landfills and adds to waste. It means that you’ll be doing more washing but the benefit on your pocket and the environment outweighs the extra effort. Biodegrable nappies are also available on the market.
20.Ladies, look into using mooncups for your monthly cycle. They are the chemical free alternative to sanitary towels, most of which contain bleach and fibres, which can enter your body. They are washable and be reused, thus saving your money on sanitary towels, which like nappies are not biodegradable and end up on landfill sites.
Keep up with our Features Writer and Presenter Claudine Thornhill on TWITTER @simplymissc
W| By Claudine Thornhill