#BeINspired | Embrace The Here and Now

There’s so many times in our life where we mentally plan ‘When I get enough money, I’m going to do this’ or ‘Next week I’m going to take my friend out’ But what about right now? What are you doing right now? Tomorrow is never promised unfortunately, so it’s better that you embrace and enjoy the moment; the here and the now.

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#POTD | What Must We Let Go Of?

We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.

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#SWInspires | Are You Living or Are You Just Alive?

At different junctions of our lives we have questions about where we are, what we have achieved and where we are going. In these moments emotions such as doubt, disappointment and inferiority set in and can have us feeling morally defeated. The innate sense of helplessness saturates our domain and all that once seemed hopeful now resembles the inner shell of a dormant volcano. We want to explode but instead we afflict ourselves further, by further emphasising how much of a failure we are, and we then limit our existence down to a few life experiences. Usually negative ones.

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#POTD | What Are We?

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts.

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#MoneyMatters: Top Tips for Saving Money on Everyday Essentials

We always seem to be saving for something, whether it be for a holiday, next Christmas or maybe even for a house deposit. But, when you are saving money, it can be easy to get obsessed with not wasting a penny. Yet spending is something that can’t always be avoided, there are always celebrations and other essential buys on the horizon. The key is to be clever with this spending and you’ll still be able to save at the same time.

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