#MusicMatters | Inspirational Track of the Week : Jason J.A “Sweep That”

Never has a song read my mind more than this one. With life and its endless circles, one thing you need to do get get rid of the negativity, surround yourself with better quality people and chase your goals.

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#BeINspired | How Positive Thinking Can Transform Your Life

If asked, most people would agree that an optimistic, positive attitude is better to have than a negative, pessimistic view – and there is an abundance of scientific evidence to back this theory. A variety of studies examining the effects of optimism and positivity on psychological, physiological and physical health have concluded that individuals with a positive outlook tend to enjoy a multitude of benefits, from reducing symptoms of chronic illnesses to lessening the risk of contracting certain diseases and more.

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#PowerWoman | Award Winning Music Artist Yuna

You could say I was living under a rock because as much as I like to call myself a connoisseur of music, I hadn’t heard of Yuna until late last year. Captivated by music of old, I wasn’t keen on giving new artists a try. Big mistake.  I guess it was love at first play as I’ve been in awe ever since. Yuna is one of a kind. A music artist who doesn’t follow conventions, her music will undoubtedly stand the test of time. From her smooth and captivating voice, to her emotive lyrics, this award winning singer/songwriter has become an international music star without compromising who she is and what she stands for. I had the pleasure of catching up with to discuss her views on being a role model, handling fame, the importance of love and family, working with music superstar Usher + much much more in this insightful and inspiring interview. #BeINspired….

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#FashionINspired | The Best Fashion Month Looks So Far

Can you believe that February’s done? It seems that January lasted for 3 months and February, the fashion month, for only 10 days! Crazy, isn’t it? Be as it may, February brought to us new rules and trends as far as fashion is concerned, so we can relax now browsing the internet to find the best fashion combinations we are going to rock during the course of 2018. So, take a look at the best fashion trends that are going to be huge this year:

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#POTD | It’s Time To Get Up

“If you don’t like being a doormat then get off the floor.” – Al Anon






W| Via #POTD   

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#SWInspires | Speak It Into Existence

Over the years I have witnessed cliché cycles within my field of work, which become popular and are regurgitated across the public speaking circuits, pulpits, conferences and eventually make their way around peoples social media streams and timelines. They die out, new ones take their place, and eventually they become popular again in season. One such saying is “Speak it into existence”. Books like ‘The Secret’ and many others speak on The Law of Attraction and the notion that you can create your life with the content that you give the world through the power of your words. Some use the term ‘karma’, others ‘what goes around comes around’, others believe in the power of affirmations, and some are just superstitious.

When I considered the power that our words contain, I wasn’t too interested in how our words impact tangible things, like a persons feelings, or a response driven statement, I was rather interested in what actually happens when I speak, even if I am all alone and can only bear witness to my own words. I look at my own faith and my understanding that God spoke and created the world. By speaking He called things into existence. When God created man and woman, He created us in His image and gave us dominion over the earth. He endowed us with a power to “speak”. So does this mean that if I say I want something, and speak it enough it will come to me? Many hold this view. However, I believe that while our words do indeed have power, our desires will not be fruitful if they are not in line with God’s will for our lives.

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#BeINspired | How To Increase Your Inspiration and Motivation Up To The Skies

You don’t need me to tell you that life is full of distractions. Whether you’re at home, at work or even socialising with family and friends, we’re constantly bombarded with advertisements, messages and forms of communications. That’s not even including the presence of smartphones, computers and social media.

Many of us complain about the issues we face when it comes to productivity, and hard it is to stay inspired and motivated, even if we’re doing the things we love. For many of us, the sofa is far too enticing. However, in most cases, it’s not about working harder, it’s about working smarter.

Today, I’m going to talking about everything you need to know about boosting your inspiration, enhancing your motivation and taking your productivity to the edges of space.

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#InspireLSParenting | Knowing Your Pregnant Using Homemade Materials

While there are a lot of things that could affect the receipt of periods in women, it is important to check if the reason for this is pregnancy. Many people rely on going to the hospital to check their pregnancy status, but some of them find it weird and therefore are not able to have their status checked. Good news is that there are a number of methods one could use to check their pregnancy status at home, using homemade remedies. Here are few of the homemade materials you could use to check your pregnant status at home.

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