#MusicMatters | Annie Lennox’s Diva and Medusa Albums To Be Re-released On Vinyl On 2nd March 2018

Legendary singer songwriter, activist, and iconoclast, Annie Lennox, announces the re-release of albums Diva and Medusa on vinyl on 2nd March 2018 via Sony. Continue Reading

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Honouring Your Inner Diva

Divas get a bad rep. Think of Diva and you imagine Beyonce throwing a strop because her hair stylist didn’t go light enough on the blonde retouch, or the female half of brand Beckham firing the assistant who was stupid enough to pack the shoe from the 2009/10 Vuitton collection and not the 2010/11 ones. It calls to mind Naomi Campbell banging her assistant over the head with a phone because… well just because she’s Naomi goddamit!

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