#InspireLSCareers | Stay Motivated Throughout Your Job Search with These 7 Tips

Going through the job search process can sometimes be a long, difficult journey whose end is unknown. But, as difficult as this time may be, it’s important to stay focused and motivated throughout the process in order to find success on the other end. Here are 7 tips you can use to help keep you motivated while you search for a job.

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#InspireLSCareers | New Year, New Approach to Your Business Plan

The New Year is a time of change and rejuvenation, the time to adopt a new outlook that brings benefits and advantages. For your business, the New Year is a signal that the time is right to make changes.

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#InspireLSCareers| So You Want To Be A PR

A career in public relations is not for the faint-hearted or for anyone hoping to make big money straight away.  Competition for jobs is fierce and you need plenty of enthusiasm and confidence if you want to successfully sell a client’s product to journalists or pitch for new business.
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#InspireLSCareers| Content Marketing (Top 5 Tips)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again content is king, no doubt this is not the first time you’ve heard this saying. I do believe it is true. Content marketing is not about the hard sell, lets face it who likes the hard sell? Not me that’s for sure.

Content marketing is more about the brand story and engaging with your target audience. You may want to sell a product but someone talking about their experience of the product can be more compelling. We are living in a digital age, where we can seek out the content of interest to us and ignore the rest, with that in mind you want to peak interest.

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Career, March 2015 Comments (0) |

#InspireLSCareers| How Smart Women Can Get Themselves Into Top Jobs

As an ambitious woman, you are probably all too aware of the obstacles you need to tackle as you climb each rung of the career ladder.

In 2015 the glass ceiling remains intact and women still find it difficult to reach the same heights men have achieved for generations. However, chips are appearing in that ceiling as employers take this issue more seriously, making changes to help recruit more women into senior roles.

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Career, December 2013 Comments Off on Volunteering| V-Inspired Enrichment In Giving Back |

Volunteering| V-Inspired Enrichment In Giving Back

Volunteering is an ideal platform to give back to your community, develop brand new skills, forge formidable friendships, lessen marginal voids in employment history, and more importantly – enrich your soul, and embellish your already desirable resume.

It’s always better to give, than to receive. Volunteering can indeed lead to a brighter path in ones own future, and is unquestionably a valid option for individuals of all ages to joyfully aim to amend their path in life, or ultimately increase overall confidence in sincerely extending a hand to assist – and impact – others lives who are in need.

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#InspireLSCareers| Ace That Interview

With the rate of un-employment rising, it is now more important than ever to be one step in front of the competition. When it comes to job-hunting you may think that you already know all of the basics when it comes to successfully acing an interview. However, there is always room for improvement and self-development. Whether you are on the prowl for a completely new role, aiming to gain sustainable employment after being long-term or short term un-employed, or your looking to find a new role that best matches your set skills. Here are 10 top tips, which could give you the extra push in the right direction and land you on a new and exciting career path.

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