#InspireLSCareers | Stay Motivated Throughout Your Job Search with These 7 Tips

Going through the job search process can sometimes be a long, difficult journey whose end is unknown. But, as difficult as this time may be, it’s important to stay focused and motivated throughout the process in order to find success on the other end. Here are 7 tips you can use to help keep you motivated while you search for a job.

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#InspireLSCareers | Top Tips To Choosing The Right Career Path For You

Deciding on what to do with your life can be a very hard choice at times. There is so many things that one person can do but do you actually know what you want to do? No matter what age you are or your background, starting somewhere new or deciding where to go will always be a question that that no-one else can answer but you.  As you grow in life, you will find that you will be attracted to different industries but before you actually start on that road, it’s important to know what options are available to you. Read on to find out what steps you can take to help you follow your path.

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#InspireLSCareers | Top 7: How To Succeed In Answering Job Interview Questions

Being invited to a job interview thereafter receiving the positive news of a job interview invitation courtesy of a successful application undoubtedly offers a significant sense of optimism for a brighter future, much-needed professional and personal change and alternatively a return to employment after raising children or dealing with personal adversity.

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#InspireLSCareers | How Social Media Can Be Used To Build Your Career

Let’s face it – getting into the media industry can be difficult. With thousands of graduates all competing for entry-level jobs, it’s important that you find a way to stand out from the crowd. At Inspire LS Magazine, we’ve put together some of the best ways in which you can use social media to build your career and help you land your dream job.

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2016 Articles Comments (0) |

#InspireLSCareers | Find Your Path and Follow It

Deciding on what to do with your life can be a very hard choice at times. There is so many things that one person can do but do you actually know what you want to do? This of course can be quite a daunting experience and will challenge you but there is no need to be alarmed, help is at hand; all you need is to have faith in your abilities and trust yourself.

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#InspireLSCareers| What Not To Do When Completing An Application Form

Working within the employment sector has equipped me with the necessary skills in knowing just what employers look for when they read an applicants submitted form.

Many people believe that they know how to complete one to a competent level. However, with the employment market becoming more accessed than ever before; competition is rife and it is important that you understand just what you need to do to ensure you are head and shoulders above the competition.

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Career, May 2015 Comments (0) |

#InspireLSCareers| Why Volunteering Is The Pathway To A New Career

A vast number of people work in sectors different to their educational training. This is a trend that is very common in today’s world where skills and knowledge are becoming increasingly transferable between various sectors. For some of us, we studied a course based on the promises of a bright and fulfilling career, parental influence, prestige or financial incentives but soon found out that it was not all fulfilling as it promised to be.  So, how can we change careers? Are we able to do this by proactive learning and be successful in the new pathway or is the only way to making this a reality, re-qualification?

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Career, March 2015 Comments (0) |

#InspireLSCareers| How Smart Women Can Get Themselves Into Top Jobs

As an ambitious woman, you are probably all too aware of the obstacles you need to tackle as you climb each rung of the career ladder.

In 2015 the glass ceiling remains intact and women still find it difficult to reach the same heights men have achieved for generations. However, chips are appearing in that ceiling as employers take this issue more seriously, making changes to help recruit more women into senior roles.

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