After the winter months and feasting comes the time of fasting for the summer tight and well-shaped body. There are numerous ways to get your body fit even without starving yourself to death. However, you can choose to simply face your body shape, embrace it or advance it, all depends on your goals for the summer and your metabolism.

Face It

When the warm weather arrives, all of our insecurities begin to bubble up.
Questions such as
“Will my thighs look fat in this jean shorts?”,
“Will my bulging waistline hang over my swimming suit?”,
“Will my arms look big in this tank-top?”
start popping up in your head.

You are probably in a turmoil, analysing your body in the mirror from every possible angle, asking yourself if the “I look fat” concept is all in your head or if it is indeed real. However, the real reason for not accepting the way we look is the assumption about how we think our bodies “should” be. For instance, “My belly should have a six-pack”, “My cellulite should not exist”, “My arms should be more muscle toned” etc.

We identify certain sizes with fine-looking, being sexier and more acceptable to others as well as to ourselves. And the truth is that in the society that awards unrealistic body images it can be tough to shake those thoughts. However, no matter what your scale shows, being cosy in your own skin is totally up to you and it begins with what you tell yourself when you stand in front of the mirror.

Embrace It

Being in line with your body image doesn’t have to imply that you are inert to the change. Believe it or not, when you do welcome your body image, that’s when you can begin to change. Still, you may wonder why is it so hard to hit your dream body? This is because more often than not our own bodies have a better idea what our ideal weight should be.
If you’ve started to nod your head in approval then you can do these two things:

1. Accept your body for what it is. Treat it with respect, diet good and exercise
2. Work your behind off and tell your body to bugger off… you’re fixed on obtaining what you want.

As much as you’d love to have a yearlong six-pack, it is almost certain that you also love to sip on wine, enjoy in good food and relish in life. With time you will learn that you would feel miserable with everything if you wish to maintain the photoshopped looking body you see on covers of the fitness magazines.

You can, on the other hand, be loving, mindful, and kind with your body and yourself, with where you are in your journey at this point. Additionally, be daring enough not to be ashamed or hide how you look. Over time, assuring yourself that you are gorgeous the way you are, although at first, you don’t believe it, will boost your self-esteem.
Hence, as the warmer weather approaches and sweaters, sweatpants and sweatshirts will be put aside, urge yourself to dismiss your ideas of having to look a particular way or obtain a certain weight to accept yourself.

Advance It

Rather than trying to run away from your former shape on the treadmill, run toward a goal that gives you the feeling of accomplishment. However, if negative beliefs about your body become overpowering, or if you are finding it difficult to break of uncompromising habits about weight, exercise or food, speak with your doctor or therapist.

When all this still doesn’t bring results and the stubborn fatty tissue doesn’t budge with diet or exercise, there are ways to ditch that excess fat with the assistance of the cosmetic and plastic surgery. Number one treatment is still the liposuction, of course, as it’s a foolproof and astonishingly efficient method for removing fat that piled over the winter months.

Another option is a non-surgical fat removing treatment such as coolsculpting. With no anaesthesia, cuts or healing time, this uncomplicated procedure lastingly eliminates fat. As a matter of fact, coolsculpting is the only fat-stopping procedure that has been recognized by the United States’ Food and Drug Administration to eradicate obstinate fat. In addition, you can opt for a Velashape III treatment which is usually performed in combination with coolsculpting. It is an extremely effective technique to painlessly put an end to cellulite.

Bottom Line

Discard the situations in your life that make you consider yourself inferior, whether that are fashion magazines with supermodels, body-bashing friend, or TV shows that depict people in an unrealistic, sexist way.

You may trade weight-loss oriented goals with health goals such as maintaining your cholesterol level down or preparing for your first 3K. Pick a workout you love and you’ll be more prone to adhere it. When you practice stress release and fun, your health and weight may ordinarily begin to come into place and your body will be to the point this summer.




W| By Victoria Lim                                                              Via #InspireLSFitness

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